Hyundai 5.5kWith6.8kVa Recoil/Electric Start Petrol Generator HY7000LEK-2 GRADED

Item must be in original packaging, although the packaging/box may have old courier labels or have some cosmetic damage to the packaging – or needs to be reboxed in a like for like new box. Ideal for site use, commercial use, tradesmen or simply home / garage use. Powerful Hyundai 389cc / 13hp 4-Stroke engine […]

Hyundai 5.5kWith6.8kVa Recoil/Electric Start Petrol Generator HY7000LEK-2 GRADED

Hyundai 5.5kWith6.8kVa Recoil/Electric Start Petrol Generator HY7000LEK-2 GRADED

There may be some minor cosmetic imperfections in the form of scratches/paintwork damage but these would not affect the main function of the machine. The packaging will be imperfect or non-original. Ideal for site use, commercial use, tradesmen or simply home / garage use. Powerful Hyundai 389cc / 13hp 4-Stroke engine coupled with a superior […]

Hyundai 5.5kWith6.8kVa Recoil/Electric Start Petrol Generator HY7000LEK-2 GRADED